Gateway University®
A school for the study of higher consciousness


Make a Difference!

"Your true vocations are without labels; they are responsive to new conditions; they are explorations into the unknown world you are cocreating. They are formative of the new world. True vocations are expressions of the universal process of creation localized within you."
-- Barbara Marx Hubbard

At Gateway.University, you work with your mentor to design a degree that reflects your personal passion and gives you the tools you need to make a living, and make a difference.

Your overarching certificate or degree plan includes:

  • World-class personal coaching and mentorship
  • The ability to integrate courses from outside the Gateway.University
  • Opportunity to ideate and execute a real-world impact project
  • Studying at your own pace, from wherever you are
  • Pay as you go

Start Here
to design your soul-inspired study plan:
Complete the Application

The first step in Gateway's Admissions process is the application. The questions will help you to focus in on what matters most to you.

Click here to access the application and answer the questions!

Schedule a Constulation

Once your application has been submitted, you will receive email confirmation along with an invitation to schedule your personal, private consultation with Dr. Kimberly Marooney, or another admissions advisor.

This is your opportunity to ask questions, get to know us, and map out your next steps. If both you and your advisor agree, a $500 application fee moves you to Step 3.

Submit Documentation

Transcripts: Gateway requires transcripts from all previous academic experience to receive transfer credits.

References from THREE people who have been influential in your life. They could be peers, clients, students, mentors know you well enough to attest to your readiness for your academic program.

Prior Learning Credit: At Gateway, we celebrate your life! Exceptional applicants who have published, founded organizations, or contributed to community transformation may receive additional transcript credit for creative projects and achievements.

Design Your Program
Your advisor works personally with you to design your degree program, following the passion of your soul to develop skills, add wisdom, and graduate with a book, business, product launch, or real-world impact project DONE!
Dive In
With your matriculation letter and Program Design in hand, dive in to your first Learning Contract and mentor session! Your degree program or certification is organized in bite-sized pieces that are do-able. From 1-3 months in duration, the Learning Contracts can take it easy during stressful times, or go full out rapid movement forward when time and resources allow.

Make tweaks and enhance:

Gateway builds competencies. These are the skills, knowledge, and behaviors you need to hold space for Divine Presence, and for the unknown. These core competencies become the foundation for your work, nurturing the flexibility to hold Presence. You become a valuable team member in any situation, able to bridge gaps, moderate peace, and catalyze brilliant solutions. Along this journey of discovery, earn the credentials like certificates and degrees that you need to integrate your work in the world in practical ways.


Gateway Degree Programs

Admission to Gateway University B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degree programs requires:

  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  • Three recommendations
  • A work resume
  • An Admissions essay
  • the Admissions Application
  • an Interview

Because Gateway offers continuous enrollment, admission to the University may be submitted at any time.

Additional information regarding Gateway University degree programs follows.

B.A. Degree Completion Programs
  • Admission to Gateway University Bachelors Degree Programs requires prior completion of two years (90 quarter units or 60 semester units) of Bachelor level study or an Associate of Arts Degree.
  • Admission requires completion of 90 quarter units of General Education Requirements. See Below.
  • For graduation, a B.A. Degree requires four years of study (180 quarter units).
  • 90 quarter units may be awarded through Transcript Transfer Credit and/or Prior Learning Credit. There is a US$20.00 Credit Free for each qualifying quarter unit.

General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements must be met prior to admission including a minimum of 90 quarter units (or 30 semester units) with a minimum of 5 quarter units in each of the following areas:

  1. English Composition.
  2. Physical Sciences and Natural Sciences: Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geography, Biology, Ecology, Environment, Oceanography.
  3. Mathematics.
  4. Social Sciences and Behavior Sciences: Sociology, Politics, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Psychology, Human Behavior, Eating Disorders, Depression.
  5. Humanities and Fine Arts: History, Art, Music, Theater, Languages.
  6. Oral Communication.

A minimum of 2.0 (C average) grade point average is required for admission to Gateway University Bachelors Degree Programs.

M.A. Degree Programs
  • All Gateway University Master of Arts Degree Programs require a Bachelors Degree for admission.
  • For graduation, a Master Degree requires one year of study (45 quarter units).
  • Transcript Transfer Credit or Prior Learning Credit may be awarded up to 22.5 quarter units. There is a US$60.00 Credit Free for each qualifying unit.
  • The requirement for completion of an M.A. may or may not include a thesis.
Ph.D. Degree Programs
  • All Gateway University Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programs require a Master Degree prior to admission.
  • For graduation, a Ph.D. Degree requires two years of study (90 quarter units).
  • Transcript Transfer Credit or Prior Learning Credit may be awarded up to 45 quarter units. There is a US$60.00 Credit Fee for each qualifying unit.
  • Completion of the Ph.D. requires a Dissertation (20 quarter units) and an Oral Defense of the Dissertation.

Combined Degree Programs

Gateway University features Combined Degree Programs of B.A./M.A. Degrees, and M.A./Ph.D. Degrees to facilitate the student's graduation with advanced degrees. The Gateway vision is to empower spiritual minded leaders and entrepreneurs with advanced degrees in service to a broader wisdom culture.

  • Admissions and graduation requirements for each degree do not change.

Admission to Gateway Certificate of Achievement Programs requires seriousness of intent; a concept or a program of metaphysical or consciousness study; three character references; the Admissions Application; and an Admissions interview.


Enrollment in Gateway University begins with an admissions interview which can be done by phone or Zoom video. The written Admissions Application must also be completed including:

  • A two-page Autobiography
  • Three references
  • Educational transcripts
  • a Work Resume
  • an Essay discussing why you would like to become a Gateway University student

The registration fee for Degree Programs is US$500.00 which includes the Program Assessment and the initial Program Design. The registration fee for Certificate of Achievement Programs is $50.00. All registration fees are non-refundable.

Combined Degree Programs only require one registration fee.

There may be additional Credit Fees (US$60.00 per quarter unit) fro Transcript Transfer Credit and/or Prior Learning Credit.


The University periodically updates financial, administrative, and academic policies. Updated policies are fully binding upon all enrolled students.

Tuition for Degree Programs

Tuition for Gateway University Degree Programs (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) and Combined Degree Programs is US$17,235 per year for 45 quarter units.

  • B.A. -- Two - year completion. 90 quarter units. US$34,470
  • M.A. -- One year. 45 quarter units. US$17,235
  • Ph.D. -- Two years. 90 quarter units. US$34,470
  • B.A./M.A. -- Three years. 135 quarter units. US$51,705
  • M.A./Ph.D. -- Three years. 135 quarter units. US$51,705

Prior Learning Credit and/or Transcript Transfer Credit

Fifty percent of a student's program may be earned through transcript transfer credit and/or Prior Learning Credit. There is a Credit Fee of US$60.00 per qualifying quarter unit. See Below.

If a student qualifies for prior-learning credit and/or transcript transfer credit, time and tuition may be reduced by as much as 50%. For example, on a two-year program, the amount saved can be as much as US$14,535. The time required to complete the two-year degree may be reduced by a maximum of one year.

Tuition does not include books and other materials.

Combined Degree Programs

The Gateway University vision is to empower new thought leaders, soul-based business owners, conscious practitioners, and spiritually minded entrepreneurs with advanced degrees in service to a broader wisdom culture. To that end, Gateway University offers a 10% reduction in tuition for Combined Degree Programs: B.A./ M.A. and M.A./ Ph.D.

These programs feature a one-year Masters Degree combined with either a two-year Bachelors or Doctoral Degree.

The student who qualifies may apply transfer transcript credits and/or prior-learning credit up to 50% of each degree -- to create a savings of as much as fourteen months in time and a maximum of US$14,535.00 may be saved in tuition.

For qualifying students, there may be a Transcript Transfer Credit Fee and/or Prior-Learning Credit Fee of US$60.00 per qualifying quarter unit.

Registration Fee

The registration fee for all Degree Programs is US$500.00, which is non-refundable. Registration secures the tuition rate for up to two years. The registration fee includes the student's Program Assessment and Initial Program Design.

Tuition does not include fees, the cost of books or other course materials. Some courses with guest lecturers include a premium tuition.

Gateway accepts only mature, committed students who have deeply considered and responsibly planned their two-year academic life, in terms of time, money, energy, and attention.

Prior-Learning Credit

Learning occurs everywhere. Gateway's transformational and experiential learning format was designed for thought leaders with a substantial body of work.

A student may receive transcript credit toward an academic program based on acceptable professional accomplishment and training prior to enrollment at Gateway University.

In alignment with the Council on Post Secondary Accreditation standards,

"Credit is recognized for; life experience, work experience, independent reading and study, travel, personal accomplishments, conferences, seminars, trainings, equivalency exams, media presentations, transfer credits from other institutions and formal courses sponsored by employer and associations"

when the above prior-learning experiences are directly related to the student's proposed program of study.

To receive Gateway University transcript credit for learning prior to admission, the student must complete a Request for Credit Form for each course. The following information is needed:

  • Class title.
  • Center's name and address.
  • Number of hours of class attendance.
  • Brief description of class content.
  • Proof of attendance (e.g. a cancelled check, verification letter from the center or teacher, class notes, program notes, etc.)
  • The Gateway University course title that most closely resembles the prior training.

There is a processing fee for all prior-learning credit. It is called a Prior-Learning Credit Fee of US$60.00 for each qualifying quarter unit. This fee is subject to change.

Up to 50% of a student's degree program may be earned through Prior-Learning Credit in combination with Transcript Transfer Credit. The maximum Prior-Learning Credit Fee for a two-year degree program is US$2,700.00 for one year (45 quarter units).

Receiving academic transcript credit for prior-learning can amount to a substantial savings of up to US$14,535.00 in tuition in a two-year program. In addition, it can reduce the duration of the program by 50% or one year.

Transcript Transfer Credit

Up to 50% of a student's degree program may be awarded through transferred credit from other university transcripts in combination with prior-learning credit. There is a Transcript Transfer Credit Fee for qualifying units amounting to US$60.00 per quarter unit. This fee is subject to change.

The maximum Transcript Transfer Credit Fee for a two-year degree program is US$2,700.00 for one year (45 quarter units).

Receiving transfer credit for a two-year program can amount to a substantial savings of up to US$14,535 in tuition and one year in time.

Degree Fees and Payments

Registration Fee

Non-refundable. Includes Program Assessment and Initial Program Design.


Prior-Learning Credit Fee

BA - US$20.00 per qualifying quarter unit

MA and PhD - US$60.00 per qualifying quarter unit

Transcript Transfer Credit Fee

Not included in Combined Program discount.

BA - US$20.00 per qualifying unit
MA and PhD - US$60.00 per qualifying quarter unit
Tuition per quarter unit

BA - US$200.00
MA and PhD - US$383.00

Candidacy Fee

Non-refundable. Ph.D. Candidates only.


Graduation Fee

Non-refundable. Assessed for all students.

Certification Fee




Program Reassessment Fee

For changes in Learning Contracts and Program Design.


Mentor Cancellation Fee

24 hours notice to mentor is required to avoid fee.


Administrative Course Drop Fee

If a student misses 25% of course or does not follow through on an Incomplete Petition.

There may also be a $150.00 Program Reassessment Fee.


Late Assignment Fee

At mentor's discretion if student has a record of unmet agreements.


Incomplete Fee

Accompanying an Incomplete Petition which must be filed prior to course completion date, requesting an extension if course requirements have not been met.

There is an additional Course Drop Fee of $25 if Petition is not followed through within two weeks of course completion date.


Return Check Fee


Readmission Fee

Non-refundable. For student who withdraws and later re-enrolls.

Transcript Fee
Variations in Time and Tuition

Since each student's program is individually designed to meet the student's needs, the time and tuition may vary according to:

  • How highly motivated s/he is to complete the program
  • Her/s time commitment
  • Transcript transfer credit
  • How much Prior-Learning Credit s/he receives
  • How many additional independent study programs s/he desires beyond the initial Program Design.

It is recommended that prospective students schedule an appointment for a Program Planning Interview to receive specific information regarding their individualized programs.

Certificate of Achievement Tuition and Fees

The following fees apply to Certificate of Achievement Programs:

  • Tuition
  • Program Reassessment Fee
  • Mentor Cancellation Fee
  • Administrative Drop Fee
  • Late Assignment Fee
  • Incomplete Fee
  • Return Check Fee
  • Late Payment Fee

Holding Transcripts

A hold will be placed on transcripts for any student who has not met financial obligations with the University or failed to comply with University regulations and requirements.

Refund Policy

Students who drop a course before the second class, submitting a written Request to Drop, will receive a full refund. The date of the Request to Drop is determined by the date received.

A student who drops a course after the second class receives a $50.00 Drop Fee and may have a US$250.00 Program Reassessment Fee.

Gateway University

P.O. Box 694

Port Angeles, WA 98362
United States of America

P: 1.360.565.5171
© 2024 Gateway University. All Rights Reserved.
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For charitable contributions our parent organization is Gateway Community 33-0193750